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Affiliate Program - Sell and earn money

You earn: $4.26 , for every product sold

Do you have a website, blog or many friends on social networks? Join 101 idees fashion Clothing Store Affiliate Program

If you like our online store and different and original clothes, promote our products and earn a commission for each product sold.

You can promote our products for free on social media or by sending emails to your friends.

If you have a blog, write some articles about our products, you only win.

Membership of the affiliate program - fashion clothing

Joining the affiliate program?

no customer account

If you are not yet our customer, create a customer account and submit an application to join the affiliate program.

with customer account

If you are already our customer, just access your customer account and join the affiliate program.

How it works?
I share the link of the product to be promoted
Visitors visit the store
I get: $4.26 /each product sold
Why choose us?
Credible and reliable online clothing store with excellent customer service
  • We offer high commission rates. The more sales you generate, the more money you'll earn.
  • You earn commissions for every product sold.
  • You earn commissions if the customer buys a product other than the one promoted.
  • Without exception, you earn commission on any product sold.
  • Free and easy, you'll have a panel where you'll see the list of products sold and commissions earned.
  • Payout via paypal at no extra cost.
  • Worldwide, our online store is open to all countries. Except UK (Brexit) and Russia.
  • Satisfied customers. Quality clothing and fast shipment of orders.
Statistics panel with all available information
Affiliate statistics panel with all available information

Common questions

Just join the affiliate program, after your account is validated, you just have to use the link of the product to be promoted.

When participating in the Affiliate program, you have a dedicated account, where you can see the links to the products to be promoted.

You have several free ways to advertise your products.

You can share them on social networks, send them by email, on your blog/website, in ads, WhatsApp, Telegram...

You can also copy product photos from our website.

Yes, if the customer visited our store through your link and bought another product, you always receive a commission.

As long as the customer has accessed our store through a link promoted by you, any product sold generates commissions for the affiliate.

Yes, you will be notified by email, in addition to having this information in your affiliate account.

After the order is placed and paid for by your friend, the rewards earned are added to your customer account.

If you have a minimum balance of: $26.65 in your Affiliate account, you can request a withdrawal of money.

The amount earned is made available and validated 15 days after the order date.

Please note that if your customer cancels or returns the order, the amount earned is also cancelled.

Rewards are paid in euros.

Yes! If you want to withdraw from the affiliate program, please contact us to cancel your account.

Yes! It has to generate commissions every 6 months, otherwise the account is considered inactive and is suspended.

Conditions of the Affiliate Program (Sellers)

  • Obligation to keep the account active, generate commissions every 6 months. Inactive accounts are suspended and subsequently deleted.
  • It is not allowed to create multiple affiliate or customer accounts to enjoy rewards or discounts.
  • If the customer cancels or returns the order, the rewards earned are void.
  • Minimum balance required to withdraw the money earned: 25 euros ($26.65)
  • Means of payment: Paypal (all countries), and money transfer to a bank account (Europe).
  • Commissions authorized and credited after 15 days.
  • This program is compatible with other marketing programs.

If you are interested in the Referral Program and want to be a Sponsor and create a sales network.

Differences between the Referral Program and the Affiliate Program

The Referrals program's main objective is to attract new customers and new sponsors.

The Sponsor earns a fixed commission per order, whether this order is placed by a friend or the friends of friends.

We give the promoter the possibility of attracting other people who are linked to him, thus creating a marketing network that generates rewards in the long term.

The Affiliate program has as its main objective the specific sale of products.

The affiliate earns a commission for the sale of each product.

It does not give the possibility to create a sales network, unlike the referral program.

Referral Program
You are a Sponsor
  • attract new customers
  • attract existing customers
  • existing customers allow you to generate rewards
  • reward earned per order
  • reward earned per product
  • possibility of creating a sales network
  • Greater Short-Term Rewards
  • Greater Long-Term Rewards
Affiliate program
you are a seller
  • attract new customers
  • attract existing customers
  • existing customers allow you to generate rewards
  • reward earned per order
  • reward earned per product
  • possibility of creating a sales network
  • Greater Short-Term Rewards
  • Greater Long-Term Rewards

